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What's Inside?

The FREE Calculator & Training Includes...

 Fix & Flip Analysis Calculator

Find your first (or next) fix and flip property complete with rehab and down payment loan calculating so you never get into a deal without major profit potential.

 Training Video: How To Use The Rental Property Calculator 

With this complimentary training video, you will be able to calculate and analyze rental properties in just 5 minutes!

Meet Jaren Sustar

Founder of The W2 Millionaire Method...

Bought over $5,000,000 of real estate: while working full-time, raising a family of 4 amazing kids, & without sacrificing all his time
World class coach and mentor: sharing the NEW & attainable way for the every day, hard working person to create financial freedom with real estate using the W2 Millionaire Method
Speaker and educator: who has helped thousands of investors learn how to buy real estate creatively in markets all across the country


What's Inside?

The FREE Calculator & Training Includes...

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My Calculator & training are completely FREE so that you can start locking up life-changing properties with confidence.